Police see rise in calls for 2017
The New Prague Police Department saw a near 10 percent rise in calls for service according to the 2017 report. Police Chief Jim Gareis told the New Prague City Council at its Monday, April 16, meeting that compared to 2016, the department had an increase of 9.8 percent in calls or 5,242 compared to 4,775.
It was the second year the department saw a rise in calls, but it was down from the 16.8 percent rise the department saw between 2016 and 2015.
Chief Gareis said they saw more accidents last year. He explained that medicals are on the rise and with part of the population aging he expected to see that trend continue. He noted that calls are just part of the process as they saw a 1 percent decrease in citations issued, or nine less than in 2016. In 2017 the city had 780 Parts I and II Crimes, or a 21 percent increase. Part I and II Crimes include littering, disturbing the peace, liquor laws, obscenity, property damage, robbery, runaways, stolen motor vehicles, theft, trespass, arson, assault, burglary, criminal sexual conduct, drugs, DWI and fraud. From those there were 75 drug calls in 2017, about double from the 37 in 2016. There were also 55 DWI arrests made in 2017, a 28 percent increase. Gareis noted they are seeing more DWIs due to an emphasis on auto enforcement. For this coming year the department will be working toward having more squad and body cameras.
Council member Shawn Ryan asked....
To see more on this story pick up the April 19, 2018 print edition of The New Prague Times.