At 75, he’s in a comfortable place and wants to continue helping others

John Mueller

The Rev. Kevin Clinton is enjoying a less-hectic lifestyle these days at his geodesic dome house south of New Prague. He’s working on supporting a hermitage where people slow down and appreciate a more relaxed and reflective pace of life. Sunday, May 5, he’ll celebrate his 50th anniversary as a priest and his 75th birthday.

Emotionally, spiritually and chronologically, the Rev. Kevin Clinton seems to be comfortable where he is as he looks back over 75 years, 50 spent as an ordained Catholic priest.

And now, he wants to take the time to slow down, to reflect and help people do the same in their lives. He’s comfortable with his life and work as a priest and the honor of being allowed to help people find peace in their lives. Fr. Clinton seems comfortable aiming at helping people enjoy quality of life rather than focusing on just muddling through more of the daily grind.

“I’ve been privileged to spend 50 years helping people and talking about things in their lives. They tell you things they don’t tell themselves,” he said. “I’m grateful for the 50 years as a priest. This is a privileged position.”

Sunday, May 5, 10:30 a.m., Fr. Clinton will welcome people to a Mass celebrating his golden anniversary of ordination and his 75th birthday. It will be held at the Franciscan Retreat House in Prior Lake, 16385 St. Francis Ln. He’s asking people to pass on gifts but rather to consider a donation to the Off-the-Grid-Hermitage, a 501(c)(3) organization founded in December of 2023 operating on 70 acres of conservation reserve land in Le Sueur County’s Washington Township. The hermitage is intended as a place for people to go for an environment of individual recovery and personal growth using recovery methods. Gifts will help fund and maintain the facility.

(For the complete story, see the May 2 print edition of The New Prague Times.)



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