Letter to the Editor: Tobacco and Grocery Store

Marcy Tupy



I just got done reading the Messenger. Guess what? We will have a tobacco shop for tobacco products and some cannabis items! And — our grocery store is closing!

I don’t deny these pleasures to the people that enjoy them. It’s their decision and their health.

But some of us — especially the elderly (I’m 87) — need fresh produce, canned and frozen foods, and need to be able to get them nearby. I wonder how many people that didn’t support the grocery store will visit the tobacco shop.

I had hope that the city would really try hard (maybe offer an incentive) to hold our grocery store here!

I know it is easy to stop on your way home from work in a a big store. I also wonder if you ever figure what it costs you to drive far, the time it takes in the big store just to save a few dollars? And, if more people shopped local, the prices might come down.

I hope you are all happy!

— Marcy Tupy

Montgomery, Minn.


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