WEM Snow Week Royalty Crowned

Jay Schneider, LRlife@frontiernet.net

The 2024 WEM Snow Week Royalty featured King Kymin Morsching and Queen Nora Ell. Back row, left to right are the Snow Princes and Snow Princesses Kavan Sheehy, Jacob Androli, Gavin Brown, Halle Fessel, Jocelyn Brown, and Alix Velzke. (Jay Schneider photo)

Nora Ell, daughter of Steven and Laura Ell was crowned Snow Queen and Kymin Morsching, son of Rhonda Morsching and Russell Morsching, was crowned Snow King during the Snow/FFA Week Coronation held Tuesday morning in Waterville.

Snow Princes and Snow Princesses were also crowned from the freshman, sophomore and junior classes.

Alix Velzke, daughter of Bruce and Kristin Velzke, and Kavan Sheehy, son of Tiffany Lange, were the freshmen honorees.

Jocelyn Brown, daughter of Jerome and Carrie Brown and Jacob Androli, son of Dennis and Rachel Androli, were the sophomore honorees.

Halle Fessel, daughter of Kari Cole and Brad Fessel and Gavin Brown, son of Jerome and Carrie Brown, were the junior honorees.

Three males and three females in each of the high school grades were chosen as royalty. They were voted on by WEM staff based on their Bucs Pride values (respect, responsibility, safety, and positivity). The teaching staff along with the grade level students then voted for their king and queen or prince and princess of the court.

Events Thursday include a question and answer session between school staff and students. The individuals who answer the questions incorrectly will get a pie to the face.

Friday’s events include the Ag Olympics, which weather-permitting, will be held outside. Juniors and seniors will compete at 9:15 a.m. and freshmen and sophomores will compete at 10:25 a.m. The championships will be held during 5th hour.



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