Elysian Sports Courts 80% paid for

Jay Schneider, LRlife@frontiernet.net

Kristy and Mark Sybilrud, right, presented a check in the amount of $4,000 to the City of Elysian Park Board as a donation toward the cost of the Sports Courts Renovation at Sunset Park in Elysian. The Elysian Area Community Foundation donated $2,000 and the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation matched that donation of $2,000. Park Board members Ron Greenwald and Bobby Houlihan accepted the check. (Submitted photo)

Donations continue to come in to the City of Elysian to help pay for the Sunset Park Sports Courts Renovation.

The approximate cost for the project, which was close to completion late last fall, is $54,000. Thus far, a little more than $44,000 has been donated.

Two years ago the City of Elysian came to an agreement with the WEM School District to take over the tennis courts and baseball field located at the Elysian School.

The initial donation came from the WEM Moving Forward Foundation. The Elysian Park Board worked to design the layout of the new courts in a way that best utilized the space, including different sports that the city did not already have.

The tennis courts have been...

To see more on this story pick up the January 18, 2024 print edition of the LifeEnterprise. 



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